Friday, December 30, 2011

The Benefit of a Good Walk by Dr. Jennifer Coates

All right, it’s time for the annual New Year’s resolution post.

I’m keeping mine extremely simple this year: Walk more. I’m going to avoid setting any particular goals that I will inevitably fall short of and feel guilty about. I am just rearranging my schedule a bit and putting an emphasis on walking in my free time.

You may be wondering what this has to do with being a veterinarian or animal caretaker. In my case, it’s all intimately tied together.

First of all, when I go for one of my walks, my dog comes with me. I like to walk at a very brisk pace for an hour or more, so he gets a lot of exercise on these outings too. I can usually swing by a nearby open space to let him run off leash for awhile as I make my way back and forth across the field. He runs like a maniac through the grass or snow and is much better behaved on leash afterward.

The health benefits of walking are undisputed. According to the Mayo Clinic, walking can help you:

•Lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol)
•Raise high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol)
•Lower your blood pressure
•Reduce your risk of, or manage type 2 diabetes
•Manage your weight
•Improve your mood
•Stay strong and fit
Walking is also an excellent way to maintain a dog’s health. In fact, a new book just came out on how walking a dog is valuable for both the people and pets involved in the activity. It’s called The Health Benefits of Dog Walking for Pets & People: Evidence and Case Studies, edited by Rebecca Johnson, Alan Beck, and Sandra McCune. Check it out if you have any doubts as to the physical and social upsides of going for a walk with a dog.

Don’t have a dog? Taking your cat, ferret, chinchilla … whatever, for a walk in a pet stroller would surely have similar benefits.

Being a veterinarian and/or caring for animals can be physically and emotionally demanding. I know it seems counterintuitive, but after a tough day, it’s usually best to ignore the temptation to crash on the couch and get outside for some exercise instead. In a pinch, indoor exercise will do, but there is something special about being outdoors that puts everything in perspective.

So that’s my resolution. I’d love to hear yours. If you don’t have one, feel free to borrow mine. Maybe I’ll see you on the trails.

Dr. Jennifer Coates

Parrot & Dog playing with a stick

Simple Tri-fold card with Dawn

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel -

Rejoice! Rejoice!
May the joy of His coming bless you anew this Christmas.

Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. Matthew 1:23

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Love Came Down

The world was blessed at Christmas
with a miracle of love...
a guiding star and angel choir
rejoicing from above.
They pointed to a tiny babe
within a cattle stall-
a Saviour bringing peace on earth-
the greatest gift of all.

Celebrating the humble birth of our glorious Saviour and wishing you a season full of overflowing joy and peace.
Christmas Blessings

For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given...and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6 KJV

The Night When Love Was Born

Christ the babe comes in Christmas as Christ the Savior comes on the cross - seeking only our embrace.
The mystery so large becomes the babe so small and infinite God becomes infant.

And if there is no cross in my Christmas, then my Christmas has lost the Christ - What is the manger if not for the Messiah, the One who saves us with the scars?

Christmas isn't a product to wrap, but a person to unwrap.
Christmas cannot be bought.
Christmas cannot be created.
Christmas cannot be made by hand.
Christmas can only be found in the creche, in the cradling trough, in the mire and the stench and the unexpected and unlikely and only only in the person of Christ.

- Devotional Christmas words by Ann Voskamp

Friday, December 23, 2011

Animals of YouTube sing "Jingle Bells"

Kenny Rogers and Wynonna Judd - Mary, did you know?

Elf Shoes with Top Note Die


My husband and I had been happily
married (most of the time)
for five years
but hadn't been blessed with a baby.

I decided to do some serious
praying and promised God
that if he would give us a child,
I would be a perfect mother,
love it with all my heart
and raise it with His word
as my guide.

God answered my prayers
and blessed us with a son.

The next year God blessed us
with another son.

The following year,
He blessed us with
yet another son.

The year after that we
were blessed with a daughter.

My husband thought we'd
been blessed right into poverty.
We now had four children,
and the oldest was only
four years old.

I learned never to ask God
for anything unless I meant it
As a minister once told me,
"If you pray for rain,
make sure you carry an umbrella."

I began reading a few verses
of the Bible to the children
each day as they lay in their cribs..

I was off to a good start.
God had entrusted me
with four children and
I didn't want to disappoint Him.

I tried to be patient the day
the children smashed
two dozen eggs on
the kitchen floor searching
for baby chicks.

I tried to be understanding...
when they started a hotel for
homeless frogs in the spare bedroom, although it took me nearly two hours
to catch all twenty-three frogs.

When my daughter poured
ketchup all over herself and
rolled up in a blanket to see
how it felt to be a hot dog,
I tried to see the humor
rather than the mess..

In spite of changing over
twenty-five thousand diapers,
never eating a hot meal
and never sleeping for more
than thirty minutes at a time,
I still thank God daily for my children.

While I couldn't keep my promise
to be a perfect mother -
I didn't even come close...
I did keep my promise
to raise them in the Word of God.

I knew I was missing the mark
just a little when I told
my daughter we were going
to church to worship God,
and she wanted to bring
a bar of soap along to
"wash up" Jesus, too.

Something was lost
in the translation when
I explained that
God gave us everlasting life,
and my son thought it was
generous of God to give
us his "last wife."

My proudest moment came
during the children's
Christmas pageant.

My daughter was playing Mary,
two of my sons were shepherds
and my youngest son was a wise man.
This was their moment to shine.

My five-year-old shepherd
had practiced his line,
"We found the babe wrapped
in swaddling clothes."

But he was nervous and said,
"The baby was wrapped
in wrinkled clothes."

My four-year-old "Mary" said,
"That's not 'wrinkled clothes,' silly.
That's dirty, rotten clothes."

A wrestling match broke out
between Mary and the shepherd
and was stopped by an angel,
who bent her halo and lost
her left wing.

I slouched a little lower
in my seat when Mary
dropped the doll representing
Baby Jesus, and it bounced
down the aisle crying,

Mary grabbed the doll,
wrapped it back up
and held it tightly as
the wise men arrived.

My other son stepped forward
wearing a bathrobe
and a paper crown,
knelt at the manger
and announced,
"We are the three wise men,
and we are bringing gifts
of gold,
common sense
and fur."

The congregation
dissolved into laughter,
and the pageant
got a standing ovation.

"I've never enjoyed a Christmas
program as much as this one,"
laughed the pastor,
wiping tears from his eyes

"For the rest of my life,
I'll never hear the
Christmas story without
thinking of
common sense
and fur."

"My children are my pride
and my joy and my greatest
blessing," I said as I dug
through my purse for an aspirin.

Jesus had no servants,
yet they called Him Master.

Had no degree,
yet they called Him Teacher .

Had no medicines,
yet they called Him Healer.

Had no army,
yet kings feared Him.

He won no military battles,
yet He conquered the world.
He committed no crime,
yet they crucified Him.

He was buried in a tomb,
yet He lives today.

Feel honored
to serve such a Leader
who loves us.

If you believe in
God and in Jesus Christ His Son,
send this to all on your buddy list.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

From Holley's Heart To You This Christmas

He came not to a throne, but to a manger.
He lived not as a king, but as a servant.
He chose not a kingdom, but a cross.
He gave not just a little, but everything.
- Holley Gerth

May the incredible love
of Christ the Saviour
and the joy of His coming
bless you anew this Christmas.

Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us.
Ephesians NIV

Holley Gerth's Grandma and Grandpa owned a Christian bookstore, and she grew up dreaming of being a writer. Visit her blog, Heart to Heart with Holley, to read more of her story of dreams and prayers come true, and her encouraging devotions.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What we're really getting ready for is Love

Preparing for the holidays is primarily a preparing of the heart.
Because what comes down is love, and the way to receive love isn't to wrap anything up - but to unwrap your heart.

Advent - this is the season of preparing that prepares us for any season of life - because we are preparing our lives for Christ to enter in - which prepares for us the life without end. Is that the ultimate purpose of this life - the preparing for the next life?

Is this why Christmas, Advent, unlike any other time of year, glimmers with a glimpse of heaven - because it's the time of year we're fulfilling our purpose, preparing for Christ and His coming again? The Christmas tree's been lit for weeks, a beacon, a preparing, an anticipation. Why is it easier to make Christmas cookies than to make our hearts ready for Christ?

Is getting ready for Christmas as simple and difficult as simply sitting stilled before the cradle of Christ?
And yet. Love came down and "He came to His own people, and His own people did not receive him." (John 1:11)
Love came down - and his own people did not recognize Him.
Love came down - and His own people did not want what He offered.
The Messiah came down and He wasn't received as the Messiah - and Love comes down and who receives all the moments as His love?

Thursday, December 15, 2011

SU Clearance Rack BLITZ

From December 15, 2011, through January 5, 2012, nearly 200 products are being added to the Clearance Rack in the Online Store--with some discounted up to 80%.

Click HERE to go to Clearance Rack items .

December to Remember Promotion

For my personal December to Remember promotion, GET FREE SHIPPING & NO SALES TAX on all Stampin'Up Orders of $50 placed with me by 12-15-11!

And, as an added bonus if there are 3 or more orders of $50, then all names will be put in a drawing for the Hostess Credits!

It's my way of me helping you help me, kwim? Thank you very much!!!!!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Barnes & Noble Bookfair

TODAY, Wolfe Middle School Barnes & Noble Bookfair
4:30pm to 8:30pm
in Troy @ 396 John R just north of 14 Mile
Can't attend, visit to support online by entering our bookfair id 10614444 at checkout. A % of your purchases will benefit Wolfe Middle School.

AND, I HAVE A 20% COUPON ON 1 ITEM, just email me and I'll forward you the email.