Friday, October 1, 2010

KISS a/k/a Keep It Simple Sane

Tips for Keeping it Simple and Sane

Thoughts can accumulate like old, dusty house clutter, and provide you with an excuse not to move forward with your life, but to dwell in the familiar.
Quit thinking about what you “should” have done. If you could have done it differently, you would have.
You must first be mentally balanced to achieve a total healthy balance in your life.
Consider words that you believe define you, words that you have heard others use to describe you, words that come from past memories, and old words that might once have been used to describe you. Are there words you are holding on to that caused you to sacrifice other, more positive words? You have the power to change those words, but it’s a choice you have to make for yourself.
Engage in every aspect of life that you can, and enjoy the ride. Accept the helping hands of travelers who have gone before you, and when you become a traveler, be ready to offer your own hand to those that need guidance in their own rides.

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