Sunday, May 16, 2010

Excerpted from Less Is More by Mina Parker

Blessings, Bonuses, and Gratitude

Embracing a philosophy of less is more has the power to flood our lives with more of what we want and need almost immediately. We can experience an immediate change without doing anything other than getting ready to see the abundance as it comes into and passes through our lives, touching everything we have and everyone we know. Blessings abound when we are open to them. Some appear out in the open as bright blossoms, and some would prefer to stay underground, quietly toiling in the soil and fertilizing our new growth.

The most important task we have in our lives is to give thanks: the simplest, purest thanks we can intone. This cannot be said enough. Gratitude, practiced early and often, can transform things through pure thought. Small things into big ones. Simple pleasures into wonderful luxuries. Grey days into nourishing rainstorms. Daily habits into devotional practice. Try it on for size; I think it’ll suit you.

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