Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Parents' Creed

The Parents' Creed

I believe that my children are a gift of God-the hope of a new tomorrow.

I believe that immeasurable possibilities lie slumbering in each son and daughter.

I believe that God has planned a perfect plan for their future, and that His love shall always surround them; and so

I believe that they shall grow up!! - first creeping, then toddling, then standing, stretching skyward for a decade and a half - until they reach full stature - a man and a woman!

I believe that they can and will be molded and shaped between infancy and adulthood - as a tree is shaped by the gardener, and the clay vessel in the potter's hand, or the shoreline of the sea under the watery hand of the mighty waves; by home and church; by school and street, through sights and sounds and the touch of my hand on their hand and Christ's spirit on their heart! So,

I believe that they shall mature as only people can - through laughter and tears, through trial and error, by reward and punishment, through affection and discipline, until they stretch their wings and leave their nest to fly!

O God - I believe in my children. Help me so to live that they may always believe in me - and so in Thee.

~Robert H. Schuller

1 comment:

Mary said...

This is beautiful! I wish a lot of parents and thought that way.
